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Perhaps I'll sail around the world; go on a pilgrimage. I'd like to see what's out there, what I am missing. Maybe ink up, open a tea shop, and publish my music. But a goal's just a wish without plans.

Jazzy Through Some Spectacles

90s advice amazing Anyways arts bands barbara streisand batman be the change beautiful birds books boots Brian Adams Brit At Heart Buh Humbug Calvin and Hobbes Chevy Silverado chores cody pellerin cold cool courage crack cup of joe david crowder band dazzled Diamond Jubilee disney distracted Dr. Seuss dream come true driving E.L.O. Blue Sky enchanted enthusing epic facts fairies faith fall fame fascinating fear Folk Food frank sinatra Freelance Whales French friday futile gangsta genuine Go Hard or Go Home google grad greatness habits happy harassed hard core Harry Potter hatred healthy living history homework honour I Am Second i love you IB junk Indie Rock infections innocence inspiration jerking Jesus is Awesome John Mellencamp jokes joy justice justice challenge Lame laughter Lecrae life magic manafest Maps Martha Stewart masking tape moustache Movies music old school OMW patriotism pep perspectives phenomenon photography piano Plaid Pants playland Pocketful of Money ponder Poofy Hair popcorn proverbs purple Rain raining readers reading records reflections repugnance respect rockin out rockstar run santa secrets Shakespeare sinhalese speeding sri lankan star wars Starbucks steroids stoked stories strengths stumble upon stupid success superhero switchfoot talking tea teaching tears testimony tête-à-tête thankful The White Stripes Them Crooked Vultures thrilled to be translation travel triangle pancakes trouver Tupac use the force Valedictorian values vid Villagers viruses waiting war Winston Churchill writing x-rays Ye Be Warned Yogurt Young Chozen youtube covers

Monday, December 31, 2012

I stopped writing in my diary a long time ago.... When I realized these things were much too deep and thought-evoking to even be put in words. Some things will be so well-remembered; no pens needed.

I've been writing so much music lately, pouring heart and soul into piano notes and vocal chords, instead of useless pages of a journal that will only end up making me feel bitter and vexed.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The post grad life so far has been quite the adventure. I am discovering day by day who I am and who I want to be. I also find myself reflecting a lot on who I used to be. How I miss that girl who used to be so peppy and optimistic.

I think I have changed because there is something that I have realized. Allow me to paint you a picture.

There is this world full of people. People who look so different on the outside, all from different cultural and religious backgrounds. We separate and cultivate with those who are like us. We forget that on the inside though, every one of us is the same.

It is like we literally are all on this same boat, going in the same direction... Into the universe where we know there is all this unknown beauty waiting to be discovered.

That is the picture.

I am making a list. A list of all the things that make me happy, because I know that happiness brings out the genuine best of all of us. It is good to be happy.

I look back and realize that my eyes were not open to the realities of this world before. In the past few months my views have changed. It's okay.

Please listen.

It is okay to change.

As long as you keep your values.

Hold tight to them for they truly do make you who you are.

In this world we are tempted to forget about what we first believed when such innocence is broken in order to apply new rules to the game in order to please the people we think rule this world.

Let me tell you something.

God created you to be exactly who you are, in His image, for a reason. He created this world, He needs you to be you, and He loves you for you.

In my opinion, the ultimate goal in life is to find the purest love out hearts can hold and let it blossom from within us the most beautiful flower. That love comes from God and it must be shared. Sharing this love makes us happy. Sharing this love makes God happy.

I know that it is difficult.

I know what it's like to forget how to believe. But in reading old church notes and collaborating all of them, there is a common thread; that when we draw closer to God and engage in being intimate with Him, we WILL feel relieved.

It is true.

Go read the Psalms, for example. That is my tip of the week for you. Proclaim the Psalms ! Rejoice ! SPEAK OUT ! Prayer is powerful, both when we praise as well as when we ask and seek.

I am going to do so. I need to.

I crave this raw, fresh, fragrant faith.

Also; listen to "Strong God" - Desperation Band :) it's cheery.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There are days when I wonder why I am still single, to be honest. I daydream of having someone special in my life.

It is a delicate matter: the clockwork of our hearts.

Light as paper, heavy as rock.

The blood pumping through it is dependent upon good health.

Our mind must be in the right place...
Ready for when the right time comes.

I am trusting that there is a once upon a time ready to begin when the hour He has set will sound. The chimes will ring and the birds will dance and my heart will feel as though it can fly.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Set A Fire Down in My Soul

It's cold and grey. I am not quite sure of what's really going on out there...

I want to stand above these clouds showering down upon me... I want to have an aerial view of life.

Things have been difficult. Things have not been easy.

Emotionally, I feel quite stranded.

I know that only God can liberate me. Free me from this undesirable confusion.

I was at a worship night yesterday and I fell madly in love with the lyrics to this song.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Preventive Maintenance" - LET IT GO by T.D. Jakes

"Often people so honor or respect us that they smother discontentment to appear congenial. This kind of deception is often well meaning but can really rob us of a real fighting chance at a better atmosphere at home or at work. Just because a person shows up at work and completes basic assignments doesn't ensure that they are really fulfilled in the workplace. I have seen time and time again frustration imitate cancer and silently engulf people who avoid confrontation to the point of becoming martyrs simply because they lack the courage or the skills to be forthcoming about little areas of discontentment. Then, before you ever saw it coming, you have lost an excellent team member to the silent progression of a discontentment that could have been avoided by communicating about a few small things long before they became major issues."

A paragraph out of "Let It Go" by T.D. Jakes; a book I am currently reading, can't get enough of, and can't seem to stop recommending. It is so good. Go to the book store or library. Check it out, you will not regret it.

This book is helping so much.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Oldie But A Goodie

Something Like You - 'N Sync

At the Beginning - Donna Lewis & Richard Marx

beautiful person

"When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night sky." - 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz.

Honestly, I haven't quite figured you out, but I'd like to try.

You are so full of wonder, it just makes me smile.

It's quite like magic, how you act upon deeds so genuine.

We are not the children we used to be.

"We were barely 18 when we'd crossed collective hearts.
It was cold, but it got warm when you'd barely crossed my eye.
and then you turned, put out your hand,
and you asked me to dance.
I knew nothing of romance, but it was love at second sight."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I have not written in a while.

I thought I would update you all on the current status of my life.

I am eating gummy bears. They are lovely and I've been craving them for at least a week.

It's a nice treat.

That is all. Have a great week.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Being employed is not at all like I expected it to be. Management is poor, PR skills are low, and people are not always happy. It's so much more different than school... And so much easier to say, "I wonder what could have happened if I had done this instead..."

I am learning a lot. In the end I know that having unconsciously chosen the hard and trivial path it will be worth it. I will be better prepared for whatever the future holds.

Working has allowed me to taste the world and view its complexities.

It's not exactly lovely from where I stand.... But I feel as though this really is winter and spring will come.

Spring must come.
Just as rain kills a drought.
Flowers will revive what has been frozen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I Love Autumn

This season comes with so many feelings. It is both warm and cold. The leaves are bright and happy... though the sky is grey.

The other night a good friend invited me out to a worship night at a nearby college. It was wonderful. I looked out the window at one point and realized that though it was cold out at the time, just a few hours ago it had been a warm afternoon. Things are changing drastically. We haven't had weather this bizarre since 1945, says the local newspaper.

But as I looked into the night sky brazed by the fog... I thought about God.
God's picture must be like the sky. Sometimes I like to think of his eyes being the universe in it's entity.
The sky is always changing, and in yet some sense it is consistent. It is always there. It isn't always what we want it to be, but it's what we need it to be.

We haven't had rain in weeks.

We don't necessarily like the rain.

Nonetheless we need it immensely. The grass is brittle and the air is quite dry.

I was figuring during worship that God is quite a mystery in a sense, because we have not physically seen Him. I trust He is there. That is what faith is for. I know He is because of the feelings and happenings that have occurred over the past few months especially where I have felt His presence.

Faith is difficult to explain unless you have experienced it...so I shall not ramble too much on that note. Just this: the other day I was talking about someone dear to my heart... and I said something that my heart must have known for the past two years for sure, but has just now put words to. "Faith is an experience of enlightenment that no human can touch. It is in a place so deep within our souls that only the Enlightener can handle."

Back to what I was saying.

I love autumn. Specifically Autumn 2012. I have seen sunshine and felt cold and witnessed the changing of colours upon the beautiful trees. I do not despise the falling of leaves. It kind of reminds me of the natural state of things. Trees without leaves. Nothing to disguise their backbone or structure.

I love autumn because it's all the best wrapped into one phase. God's beauty is everywhere. Is unique persona. His mystery. It's in the clouded skies and the blank blue paint of a brisk morning.

It is an experience I wish to savour.

It is just beauty.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Old Friends, New Goodbyes

If there is one thing that I've learned, it's that people are continually changing and growing. Sometimes these things have to happen regardless of how much we don't want them to.

Another thing I have learned is that when one door is closed, another is always opened. One we never saw before. 

I will miss you and always love the you that I used to know.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Free From It All

Life's a battleground; make sure you're well equipped, fighting on the right side. Are you engaged in living by truth or still enslaved by insecurities obsessed by imperfections? Fighting for truth allows us to live freely, no burdens. Fighting while still enslaved will just kill us harder.

It's easy to say you want to fight on the front lines. There's a certain hype about it. And there should be.

But are you fighting with a ball and chain still attached to your feet?

We are made to be free.

Fighting for freedom.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hopping Away to My First Official Job

I now prepare the way for people to go to pancake heaven, as well as clean up their mess, for a living.

Such insight excites me.

Serving people and seeing them smile, makes me smile. :)

Plus it is aiding me in earning my Starbucks Gold Card... 😉

Movie Reviews

Becoming Jane is by far one of my most favorite movies. I haven't the slightest inclination as to why I find such a sad story to be amiable, but I think that its realistic plot is what does the trick. Then again, if you think about it deeply, there are some things about it that are gravely fantasized...

I don't know.

Then there's "Sense and Sensibility." Tonight as I was watching it, I realized that I was finding it quite enjoyable. That has never happened before. I have always hated it because Willoughby was a stupid selfish flirt who was supposed to be Prince Charming, and Colonel Brandon was the old doting one who ended up with the young wife. Had I been asked about my thoughts on the movie a year ago I would have torn it apart for a failure of a love story....
But tonight... I felt like it has become such a treasure.
I now understand the importance of morals and grounded feelings.
Marianne's passionate expressions and imaginative desires of what love should have been drug her down. I do not think her and Willoughby were in love.... And I find that part of the story was a little more dramatic for reality's sake... But how she found true love in the end... Or at least became more compassionate and sensitive towards genuine emotions of the heart (caring and civility)... Such a sight made my heart feel happy.

It is not something I can easily explain, but know that my feelings towards the movie have changed drastically.

I used to dislike how Marianne's eldest sister was so emotionless and quiet, but viewing it presently, it is far from that. She filled a well within her heart full of secrets that were locked away by good sense and keen morality. She only wanted to keep good reputation and not end up looking like a fool.

When the eldest Miss Dashwood finally let on about her feelings by crying away the burdens she had been forced to carry, I let a tear slip from my eye.

I have fallen in love with the story itself, because for once a romantic movie's immorality as well as good morality, acted upon by the characters, are realistic.

I understand.

Maybe it's due to the fact that somewhere between the first and last time I watched the film, I have grown up. I have tasted a little more of the world. I have smelled some sweet air and some bitter fragrances... And understand more of what I did not comprehend at all before.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Loving God Tonight

My plans keep changing and changing. If you have managed to keep up with it all, my original post-grad plans were for me to go to New Zealand via YWAM. I cancelled that trip in order to meet my great grandparents for the first time.... It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime situations....
So... That happened... And I got back thinking that I would work for a year. More opportunity showed up and I was able to apply to a university program. I got as far as the orientation before I realized it just wasn't what I wanted. I dropped out of the program, thankfully before tuition fees were processed, and am now standing somewhere in this foggy mist.

I can't really see ahead of me. Throughout all these changes, I have gone through quite an emotional journey.

But after flustering for about a day, trying to wrap my head around so many changes, I was reminded by several people close to my heart that God's got a plan. The world wants us to have everything planned out step by step because that is what is physically known to define us. However; we know that it is truly God and God alone who can define individuals. I have to trust that every step is going up to make way for something great and amazing. It's hard not being able to have a straight up answer... But I think it's better knowing that I have this faith to support me no matter what-- that there's a God who isn't going to let me fall.

I opened up my Bible tonight...

Matthew 16:24-28

God's got this. I can't mess with it... I can't change anything for the better. Only He can.

And I know deep down, this year off will turn out swell. I don't know if it will feel like it, but I know that in the grand scheme of things, it's all for my good.

God always has a way of making me feel so peaceful.

For now, I don't have set-in-stone plans. Only that, God-willing, I will see tomorrow and the next couple of years through with work, music, and then university.

Maybe I'll travel somewhere.

Who knows.

Only God. :)


Monday, September 3, 2012

I Just Love Music.

Hello Reader,

I hope you enjoy this video. Emeli Sandé is one of my most favourite artists, and I felt inspired to sing one of her songs.
Thank you for the support. I appreciate any feedback I can get, so rate, comment & subscribe and share if you're up to it. :) <3

Love y'all so much...

Jasmine Hope

Seasons Are Changing

I imagine that this new chapter that is being written in regards to my life will be full of change.

I do not know how I feel about that.

At this point, I am definitely open to it. There's something soothing about being refreshed.

I know that this change will take away from some things I find to be extravagantly comforting, though.

So, I am now praying that at the end of this road, there are sparkling rivers and blue skies, warm sunshine and all of the beautiful colours and scents that come with autumn.

A few years ago, one of my youth pastors spoke about how we all go through seasons. Winter can be full of hardships and difficult times, but spring always makes the ice crack. Seasons keep changing; that's the point.

Autumn has arrived, but I feel as though in my heart a spring has awoken. I am going to miss some things changing seasons deprive us from, but I know that whatever is to come will be stunning.

After all, there is beauty even in the rain.
I feel like David. A psalmist. I have all of these songs and poetry stored up in my soul, awaiting to burst. Songs and poetry of people I love. Songs and poetry of people I no longer understand, or maybe never have.

The psalmists had it going on. They always had the right words.

So much emotion. So much passion.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oh Let It Just Be

Draw me a map
Let us not waste time
Searching for direction amongst the clouds in this sky

Draw me a map
Come with me
Let us travel

Let us shake hands
Drink tea
Smile happily and navigate across the sea
Together, Together

Oh let it just be.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I am going to miss not seeing you everyday. I am going to miss the encouragement you always have to offer. I am going to miss you. Period.

I wish you the best of luck. Though you'll do fantastic without it, I just need you to know that I appreciate you, as a decent friend.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We're All A Piece of Work. We're All Painting That Piece of Work. It Is Art. Life--Life is Art.

We tend to make nothing turn into a big deal.

An argument paints the picture of denial and fear. I know it. I was once the painter.

Every work of art starts out differently, ends differently. We are all given different paints and pastels. We all pick up the brush and the stencil at different times. We all picture it differently. Some may never look at the easel happily. Some will be bored. Some will walk away, and never want a second chance. But we all paint. And each canvas remarks something extravagant.

My painting was once bright and beautiful. Somehow, as years went by, I darkened the tone and blended the blacks into the white. I grew fearful at what I painted. It depicted a monster of fear. But my Teacher blew upon the work once I asked. He then ripped the canvas, gave me a new one. He told me it was okay to start again. He took my hand. It was then that he began to help me work it into something new and grand. He mixed a new kind of love into my paints. It's not what I once had in mind. I may never be able to paint the picture I had originally started with.... I just know that if I continue to ask the Teacher for help, it'll be brilliant. With Him, everything is always perfection. And for me, the change is worthwhile. It's sort of new and exciting. I don't need to rely on past ideas of beauty.

My life is now dependent on this love I have never felt before. I am a new kind of painter. I enjoy working with different brushes and textures. I take my time.

I thank my Teacher so much for His help. He's always there to support me.

I never want to paint a monster again. I never will. I enjoy love all to much, for that.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Love C.S. Lewis.

“It was when I was happiest that I longed most … The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing … to find the place where all the beauty came from.”
— C.S. Lewis

Thursday, August 16, 2012

You Should Know, I Am Not the Superficial Type.

I was asked, "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would ya go?"

My answer ? "Argentina."

Maybe it was nerves... I don't really know what it was... but I've never really thought about visiting Argentina.
It would be absolutely lovely, I know that.

But my dream vacation is a trip to Britain.

So why did I say Argentina?

Maybe because it's never talked about. It's isolated. People forget about it because there's nothing awe strikingly famous about it.

I want to visit it because if no one is talking about it, there must be no superficiality to it.

And that's what I like.

I don't like anything superficial.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You Had Me At Hello

My heart's surrounded by butterflies that I know you've blown my way. Please. Stay genuine, and don't give up. Not yet.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Religiosity never did anybody any good. Faith is born out of love. Love for one another, love for God. Before you go about pointing fingers at how things are supposed to be done, check up with the man upstairs and see if he's got anything to say about you and how you're walking. Loving God isn't and should never be a performance. Shut the lights down and picture your world with no one and nothing but Him. That's what it's about... Deep down.


The Concerned

Monday, August 13, 2012


We should not rely on feelings. In fact, we should not at all. Not so much so as we should upon guidance from above.

It is not the stars I speak of, for the constellations and myths do not know of the future.... They were designed by the past.


But God...... I do most certainly believe God will give us an answer... If we are patient.


We must be patient.

May the bonds of love tie me even closer to you... So that I may understand its beloved uniting power... And grasp the potential of its works. I want to be safe forever.... So I will trust.

So I will trust.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finding Inner Peace.

Life after high school is so different. I did not imagine such dramatic things would start happening. 

It's not all bad.

But there comes a time when we all feel slightly lonely in life. Hate to be a downer, but that's what's up.

It has been quite an eye opener-- realizing who true friends are, why faith is so important, and how it really effects the grand spectrum of life. 

I was trying to fall asleep at 2am last night, when I pulled up a youtube link on my iPod. I've had this song listed as one of my favourites for quite a while, but the words hit me hard this time. 

Seriously. Breathe in "Abba" and exhale "I belong to you." 

It just felt so beautiful. 

I've always known it. But sometimes saying it aloud really helps. Alone or surrounded, there's always someone's who's got my back. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Little Bit of Me

I used to spend many nights lying awake, dreaming in the dark. I have now found a peace that is as great as the love that has awoken me. He's  broken the chains that have held me to the greatest nightmares of fear itself, and set me free to live in the abundance of a comfort so strong and so igniting. I have found true love and tasted its serenity. That is why I live to serve a God I cannot see; he redeemed me when I was blind to his purposes. He opened my eyes, and now I see what I could not before. It is that love that penetrates my soul. Love exists. And I cannot run away from it. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid

A smile can hide a lot of secrets. A smile can create a personality out of someone and draw out their inner happiness. A smile can endure pain and portray the beauty of strength.

She has used this smile to hide a lot of things that have happened in her life. She has used this smile to laugh at jokes that are far too old and hurtful. She has used this smile to show how she truly feels at times.

There are a bundle of emotions hidden in her heart.

You may think you know her.

But you do not.

Be careful what you say, because although you may think you know someone.... you do not.

I hope you've read this. I hope you've seen this and know exactly what I am talking about.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

She stared into his big eyes and in that moment felt like the world was one of the happiest places on earth. The air was light and the sun was bright. She smiled and poured those beautiful secrets into his eyes.

But were those eyes a trap for so many more? How often did he trade happiness for innocence?

She pondered upon such a meditation for quite a while, and realized that letting go might have to be an option.

Such a hard thing to do, it would have to be.

And she burst into tears, hiding herself away into the music of the night. Whispers from the rain and secrets buried within her pillow captured her mind, as dreams drew a blank and fatigue engraved wonder and questions in her eyes.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I bought a tin of British Fruit Drops in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee. :) #ThingsThatMakeMeHappy

Monday, June 4, 2012

Let's go on an adventure now.

It's funny how I can think that I have everything planned out one minute, and the next, it all falls apart (in a good way).

It's a good reminder to know that I am not in control, and that there are far greater plans for my life than I even know or can comprehend, just as it is with every one.

See I thought I was going to New Zealand for my YWAM trip, but that was before I was faced with the opportunity to meet my great grandparents for the first time.

I have made the choice to visit my great grandparents instead of going to New Zealand.

I'm cool with it. :) It was a very difficult decision to make, but it's comforting to know that YWAM will always be there if I decide to do a DTS in the future. :)

However; what with this trip to see my great grandparents across the continent, I don't know what is actually going to happen afterwards. See, YWAM was a 5 month thing. Visiting the grandparents is a shorter period of time, which leaves me very open ended about the whole "what does my future look like" thing.

If that makes sense.

It was just something I needed though, I guess. I needed to be reminded that I am not in control of my life. I've already surrendered.
God's in control.

He's probably laughing at me. :) Smiling, because I have absolutely no idea what's going to unfold this year. It's going to be so completely different from these past 12 years of education.

It's a good place to be. At a loss for control, but confident that at least Someone has His hands held tightly around my world.

Here's to the "Newness-Factor."

Let's go on an adventure, now.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



I will find out my IB English/History/French exam results in July. Until then, I am as free as a bird.
It's great.
I've actually had time to experiment in the kitchen. Cooking is such a pleasure!
And I'm working on my music, putting my whole heart into it.

I just love free time!

Now, to finish two units of Writing 12 in two weeks. :$ Haven't been doing this paper-based course that I picked up at the beginning of the year. Mad rushing; all that IB prep will come in handy. ;)

AND, I got accepted into YWAM. I will be travelling to New Zealand this summer....if the funds come in. The way I take it, is if God really wants me to do this and it's meant to be, the money will come in no big deal. If this isn't meant to be just yet, then I'll work for the rest of the year, save money, take a math 12 course (I didn't take math this year), and possibly a fun course like a semester of Make-up School or Photography at a local uni. :) Should be fun, whatever happens. I'm not too worried about it.


Just so grateful that I've finished the International Baccalaureate program as a Certificate. Hopefully I passed :D

Left that program quite interestingly. I've really been able to pinpoint a lot of my strengths and weaknesses. It gave me good things and bad, but overall, I wouldn't have met some of my closest buddies and been so spiritually enlightened. Not that IB was enlightening. More so, that it directed me into such a thinking pattern by which I was forced to engage more with God rather than take on everything with my own brain. I doubted a lot of what I had experienced in the past and questioned so much, analyzing what I had believed. Then, I sort of had a revelation, and I believe so much more than I ever have before, in a different kind of way. Hard to explain, but I just wanted to share that.

Up next: convocation&prom


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Time To Blog About My Feelings.

Haven't done this in a while, but it is time to vent.

I just had an emotional breakdown: partly because my computer crashed while I was studying and taking notes; partly because I'm freaking out about my history exams. I must write 3 papers: the last two of which include 5 essays. The information I must memorize is insane: from pre-WW1 to the process of detente in the Cold War... I have to know these events inside out and be able to analyze them. It's crazy, but we've been studying these things since September 2010. I'm freaking out, though.

Anyways, the computer crashed, and I burst out into tears. I'm still red-eyed and stressed, but I need not be. This is the moment where most of my IB buddies would come in with a pep talk and yell at me (in a personal-trainer-sort-of-good-way), telling me that I've been studying this stuff for two years. I've been writing for so long. On the inside I really know what to do, and when the time comes, everything will come flying back and I'll nail this. In fact, they'd probably tell me that I could nail it right now, if I put my mind to it. Don't let obstacles get in the way, just sprint.

Wow. Kind of just gave myself a pep-talk and I feel a little better, actually.

In any case, after 5-10minutes of balling and raging I washed my face with freezing cold water, turned the computer back on, and decided to pull everything back up, and keep this picture on the side, as well as on my desktop, for motivation.

It's working. 

I'm going back to work now. I've pulled out a bunch of history text books and hopefully my computer stays alive enough for me to get a good review in. 

Not going to stress, because that will get me nowhere. 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yo Guys.

New Tunes On YouTube.
Here's my cover on Sufjan Steven's "For the Widows in Paradise; For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti." 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cheers, To Inspiration.

I've come across a video shot @2500 fps. It's beautiful. You may have heard about the festival of colours...

And that is where my journey began. Youtube brought me to many different links, and I thought I'd share with you one or two other videos shot with powerful cameras in slow motion. Just beauties.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hey, Der. Late Easter Post. :)

Some of these pictures are recipes my family and I made for our Easter Dinner. :) Lovely dishes. All from a Martha Stewart Magazine ! :) Lovely.

Barley Salad with Herbs

Asparagus with Breadcrumbs

Salmon, etc. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Martha Stewart is Amazing.

^ Like how crazy is that. I don't know how she does it, but one day, I will make crafts like these and create beautiful things as such and decorate my home with my imagination. 
It is funny how one can be completely ignorant of a situation and the circumstances that befall it, and yet here I am hearing the sadness your life is now exploring without will or choice, and I am allowing my eyes to water.

Praying that those who hurt you will recognize, correct, and love.

Something generically applicable to many situations, but powerful enough to change it by even a fraction.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today I went for a run.

Ate a giant grapefruit bigger than the size of my hand.

And learned new chords on the banjo.

Life is great.

Happy Easter

Thankful that this long weekend is just a reminder of what Jesus did for us.

That he would die for us, so that we could be forgiven is astounding. That he would die for me... almost seems crazy, but I am so greatful. I would not be where I am today, had he not become my best friend.

Trusting always, and trying to put God first in everything I do is a challenge, but Jesus definitely took the pressure of many hindrances away.

I don't fear anymore, because I know that the love that held onto the cross and overcame the grave, is strong enough to hold me up and keep me safe. This unconditional love is a beautiful thing.

Happy Easter, everyone.

Enjoy your chocolate. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let the Earth Open Up. Can I Swim in Your Beauty?

One day I will sketch the world, paint a nebula, mould the ocean out of teal clay, and post all these beautiful things on my blog.
God made some pretty amazing things. 
And, everything continues to grow.
Let it be amazing. Let it grow.
This continual inspiration in invigorating. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Reading About So Many Wars, May In Fact Start A War in My Head. So Much Memorizing To Do.

Ode to studying like a beeeast. 
As if textbooks weren't enough, I went to the library and found myself The Atlantic and Its Enemies: A History of the Cold War by Norman Stone, as well as The 1900s: Headlines in History.
Quite helpful, but they do little for entertainment. 
Must. Finish. History. Homework.


Monday, March 19, 2012

"Happiness is like the enchanted palaces we read of in our childhood, where fierce, fiery dragons defend the entrance and approach; and monsters of all shapes and kinds, requiring be overcome ere victory is ours." 

~Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Friday, March 16, 2012

I Will Never Grow Tired of These Books/Films... :)

I think I have done a blogpost similar to this in the past, but I think I'll just do another one, anyways. :) 
It's fun to read. Sometimes. :)

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The book is absolutely divine. Some may disagree based on the dryness and monotonous mood, but the study of relationships is intriguing. The movie with Matthew Macfadyen and Keira Knightley is fantastic, full of romance and humour. It is my absolute favourite. 

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Would you like to read about pirates, romance, sword fighting, and vengeful characters? It has everything packed within its pages...or script. Both the book and the movie are quite amiable, as extremely different as they are from each other, but I would consider the latter to be more satisfying. The movie is a little more dramatic and the plot is quite different from the book. The former may be a lengthy read, but it is definitely worth it.

The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker//The Princess and the Frog
I first discovered this book in middle school and therefore had the pleasure of reading such a delightful fairytale before the movie came out. Surprisingly, both are quite alike, as I remember, which is rare. Either way, read it, watch it. You will not be disappointed. It is enchanting. 

and of course...


Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
I liked the books a lot more than the movies, only because there was so many events and certain happenings not included in the films, as is always the truth with any book that is made into a movie, unfortunately. Plus, the movies just seemed to get darker as it went along. There was always a happy tune written within some of the chapters of all the books, and for that I quite enjoyed reading them. 
J.K. Rowling is an excellent writer, considering the details and wording were superb. Her style made it fun and easy to read. I sped through these. :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Remembering My Childhood :)

A. This Playlist is full of childhood t.v. show theme songs. I am so happy right now. This playlist is amazing. #BringingBackThe90s


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Need New Tunes?

Check out James Vincent McMorrow.

I'm in love. I never thought I'd like folk music so much, but there's something about these tracks that make the genre a little different. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Post #7: Kony 2012 Continued Again...


Here I have found yet another site, full of great thoughts and information all of us should consider.

Hearing so many different opinions about Kony 2012, I think it's important that we gather as much information as possible, as this blogger suggests, in order to draw a reasonable conclusion.

Don't jump the bandwagon or stand on the sidelines, or boo the organization JUST BECAUSE MILLIONS OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE DOING IT.

We should be able to state what we believe based on information we consider to be valid. Don't just say something because every one else is.

That's how I see it, anyways.

I've made my decision. I do not want to support the solution KONY 2012 offers. I'm considering the fact that it's quite unfair for the campaign to not be a non-profit organization. They've made it to be such a big deal--helping the Invisible Children (which I think is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT)-- but they do not disclose significant information such as this: ONLY 30% OF THE MONEY GOES TO UGANDA.

You know what, I really really really wish there was a way we could get Kony, without donating over half our money to the workers. The way I view it is that if the campaign managers really cared about the Invisible Children, they'd be donating all the money to support the cause. Not just 30%.

If you disagree, I understand. Like I've said in every other blogpost about Kony 2012: tell me what you think! If you feel like donating, go ahead!

Overall it's not for the organization or the opposed to tell you who to believe and what side you should take.

It's up to you!

Just make sure you know that you are really following your own beliefs and not committing yourself to something you aren't really sure about.  :)

I think the most important thing we need to take out of this is that we all need to be aware of what is going on. 

Props to a video that really opened my eyes to a new situation happening in our world. I didn't know about Joseph Kony before this... and I hope they find a suitable, effective solution soon. Until then, I'm going to continue to support campaigns that I trust. I Am Silent is something I've participated in. I know the organization to be true to their word, so far. If by supporting things like this I can make a difference, than by all means I'm going to promote it to the best of my ability! At this point, supporting Free the Children is what I can do. We definitely need more justice in the world today, and taking small steps are just fine. If donating a dollar a month to a non-prof is all you can do-- IT'S STILL MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Don't forget that as you decide what organizations and campaigns you want to support.
So, like the blogger of http://www.hisvoiceglobal.com/blog/?p=1206 said, find something you can get involved in. Don't stand on the sidelines and pretend like you don't know what's going on. Do something. Make a difference, because you actually have the power to do so.

These kids need to stop suffering, and be rescued... in a fair, just way. I do not believe the solution the video states will bring safety to all after reading so many articles.


And, again.

You disagree? Tell me about it. I'm not glued to believing this. Maybe someone can convince me otherwise.


Praying something can be done, and supremely effective justice can be served immediately,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Post #7: Kony 2012 Continued...



I disagree with some of what he's saying... but understand the point. I've found myself stuck in the middle once again as to whether or not I want to support this campaign. I'm finding more and more reasons why not to though, and I don't think it's fair that this is NOT a non-prof organization.
Which sucks.
Plus... I was thinking about how it would look if troops just marched in from North America into Uganda... :P *ugly*. I don't think the solution for a situation like this is going to be effective. 
On the other hand, I can see how some people can compare Kony to Hitler, and don't see why the blogger of this site bothers arguing against such a fact. I understand how some people can make a comparison as such.

Both that blog and the KONY 2012 video have some statements of strong validity... but i don't know who to side with.
The website definitely did aid me a little bit. I wanted to know more about Kony... and it makes sense now. Plus it's good to hear even more reasons as to why we shouldn't support the campaign's solution, but to understand the moral issues and the importance of being aware of international relations, etc.

Have something to share? Please comment. I want to know more about what people are thinking about this campaign that's become such a controversial subject. :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Post #7: KONY 2012

As most of you have figured out by now,  I have a huge heart for movements against injustice around the world.

This video is spreading like wild fire on Facebook and Twitter.
Watch it, then read my thoughts.

Amongst many other organizations, I love to see people rise up against injustice. Often times, we are bombarded with a lot of campaigns fuelled by the same need: for justice to be delivered to those in need.

I understand that many of these campaigns are just ignored; speaking on behalf of many other people, I want to know where the donations are actually going. Do workers get payed, or are you all volunteers? Is this just for your own organization's popularity, or are you seriously concerned about the Invisible Children? It makes a huge difference if you're a non-prof organization, so I should hope that you are. If not, you have just lost any hope of finding financial support through me, though emotionally, I completely understand the overall goal of your proposed campaign. However, if posters can be put up, they can also be taken down. How effective can that really become? Some of my friends have made valid points about the inefficient solution towards capturing Kony. If he knows we're looking for him, wouldn't that just propose feelings of indignation on his behalf? It might just make him dig deeper, and really hide himself away. 

My point is this, though. Please hear me out.

Joseph Kony is already in hiding. By "making him famous" we have a better chance of finding him. More people will know what he looks like, what horrible things he has done, and why it's so important to stop him from continuing on his campaign. I understand that this may be an extremely difficult process, but why give up the chance to capture him? Why push it aside? 

We have it in our hands to make a difference! I don't want to miss this chance. Making this crisis known world wide is so opportune--even if it may be of a small percent-- there is STILL a chance that we COULD stop him.

I hate seeing people being treated unfairly. 

Let's put this into perspective, and I know some of you make think that I'm being unreasonable or just writing this into an extreme... but what if another fascist leader like Hitler were to come to power?

Would you not want to stop him? 
Sitting back and watching him take over and reignite the holocaust would be absolutely revolting. I'll admit, I'd be scared out of my beehind.

The thing is, these kids that Kony is targeting are going through terrible crimes that can be just as matched to the holocaust as any other killing spree can be.

We need to help the Invisible Children. They are suffering. 

Look. I get that this solution of trying to make Kony known worldwide is far-fetched. But the fact that this video is getting more attention than a lot of other campaign vids I've seen, says something. People are willing to spread awareness and stand up for justice. People of high political stature will be able to see this and know that we want change. There is a high possibility that change can be configured, if we all join and take a stand.
Say we stop Kony; there is a chance that such a movement against war lords will provide hope for ALL 3rd World Countries--not just Uganda.

I've seen such a small segment of the power of political leaders in 3rd World Countries. It's devastating, revolting, despicable. I want change! If we can stop Kony, I believe that we'll have it in our hands to stop all the other war lords of many other 3rd World Countries.

At this point, I think it would be injudicious to ignore a campaign that's become so widespread, exposing such a situation as this.

I want to make a change. The world needs change.

However, if you disagree with me, or have a strong point of validity to offer towards this situation that I have not covered, please comment.

I will totally understand if you are a supporter or against this campaign. I'm definitely willing to hear your thoughts on whether or not this solution is efficient enough. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I Used To Fear So Much.

I was swallowing the sea, before you came and rescued me. I was drifting far away, into the abyss. The sky was all but blue. Seulement gris.
I was making castles in the mud, and you offered me a flag. 
Now I'm not alone.
Now I'm unafraid.

I used to be wrapped in the pleasures of fear. It was scary... metaphoric and realistic, yet somehow surreal.
But you know what...? I survived.

I accepted a gracious hand. 
I took steadfast strength in the meaning of faith.

I can dance in thunderstorms.






p.s. Guess what ! It's not going to happen again.

We are often greeted with our past, and whether we choose to overcome it or not ultimately decides our fate. Reader, I am sure you know of this searing pain. The sight of seeing something appear back in one's life, can be extremely writhing. 

But when we rise to the occasion, and pull out our swords... when we believe Someone greater lives within our hearts, that "thing" that almost defeated us, can be severed. 

Point is: Nous sommes forte. 

I used to fear the oppressive fog that once closed in on me. 

Fear has had a way of tightening my skin and blinding my eyes. 

It was like acid to the face and heart. 

I didn't trust anyone.

But I do not forget about that Love that has rescued me, once before; the love that had calmed such a raging thunderstorm. 

I'm entangled with this love. He will never let go of me, even if the rest of the world does. 

I'm not afraid, because His love is all I need. He is my shield, and that's a promise no monster can eat away. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Hunger Games

I know I've been on quite a rabbit-trail, not blogging about justice topics and such, but permit me to rage for a moment's time.

I read the Hunger Games in a period of about two weeks.


This trilogy is disgusting. I expected the ending to be completely satisfactory, but knew that (due to Essentially B's "disappointing" warnings) there would be something wrong about it.

There was much disappointment. By the time I reached the last page of the last book I was balling my eyes out because Prim died, and Prim was the only reason the whole entire trilogy was even possible. The fact that we know nothing about Gale after the last bombing is weird. I mean, if Collins wanted to end the relationship between him and Katniss so dramatically, I am sure she could have killed him off or something. just like all the other great characters (sarcasm: merely pointing out that everyone died).
I love that Peeta and Katniss end up living happily ever after though. That is exactly what I wanted to happen.
Ugh. It just was not a satisfying ending. Collins could have done a better job working out the relationships and I am sure the read could have been a little more desirable.
In fact, she should have made Peeta and Katniss live happily ever after in the Hunger Games, and cut Gale out then, considering he was ignored and off in his own little world by the end of Mockingjay.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yes. Jesus > Hypocrisy of Religion

Just Because.

Here's a post... just because.
Not because I have to... or need to...
but... just because.

I have finally inserted some time for myself: to read. Not just all that junk we are forced to read in English class; it is for the sake of those books left to collect dust both on my own as well as the library's shelves.

Ode to:

The Cosmic Trilogy by C. S. Lewis.

It's absolutely genius. It's taken me a while to read it, but at least I've picked it up. It's lyrical... magical... quite like a metamorphosis about life in general, if you read between the lines.
I recommend it... x10.

Another thing:

You must listen to David Crowder* Band's new album: Give Us Rest or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys])

Fresh. New. Exciting. Invigorating. Real.


The End.

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