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Perhaps I'll sail around the world; go on a pilgrimage. I'd like to see what's out there, what I am missing. Maybe ink up, open a tea shop, and publish my music. But a goal's just a wish without plans.

Jazzy Through Some Spectacles

90s advice amazing Anyways arts bands barbara streisand batman be the change beautiful birds books boots Brian Adams Brit At Heart Buh Humbug Calvin and Hobbes Chevy Silverado chores cody pellerin cold cool courage crack cup of joe david crowder band dazzled Diamond Jubilee disney distracted Dr. Seuss dream come true driving E.L.O. Blue Sky enchanted enthusing epic facts fairies faith fall fame fascinating fear Folk Food frank sinatra Freelance Whales French friday futile gangsta genuine Go Hard or Go Home google grad greatness habits happy harassed hard core Harry Potter hatred healthy living history homework honour I Am Second i love you IB junk Indie Rock infections innocence inspiration jerking Jesus is Awesome John Mellencamp jokes joy justice justice challenge Lame laughter Lecrae life magic manafest Maps Martha Stewart masking tape moustache Movies music old school OMW patriotism pep perspectives phenomenon photography piano Plaid Pants playland Pocketful of Money ponder Poofy Hair popcorn proverbs purple Rain raining readers reading records reflections repugnance respect rockin out rockstar run santa secrets Shakespeare sinhalese speeding sri lankan star wars Starbucks steroids stoked stories strengths stumble upon stupid success superhero switchfoot talking tea teaching tears testimony tête-à-tête thankful The White Stripes Them Crooked Vultures thrilled to be translation travel triangle pancakes trouver Tupac use the force Valedictorian values vid Villagers viruses waiting war Winston Churchill writing x-rays Ye Be Warned Yogurt Young Chozen youtube covers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Post #6: Happy New Years.

So this is it: 2012.
Doesn't feel very different, and yet it's preparing to dump prom, grad, and an IB Certificate into my hands.
I'm pretty stoked. These 12 years of education, are finally going to mean something to me.
Sure, some of it--actually, the majority of it--sucked. But that's just it.
It's like I can almost see the light....
I'm almost done.
Highschool drama will finally come to an end.

12 years of preparation for the real world... will finally come into play... and I will be released to explore the world, and make what I can of it.

The thing is, last year... in 2011... it took me months to debate over what YWAM DTS program I had wanted to do.
See, this whole time I've wanted to push myself, take a risk, and do something crazy.... that 'something crazy' turns out to be a 6 month discipleship training school... overseas.

I wanted to go to Hawaii, and the "Engage"DTS had really captured my attention, only to find out this year that in September 2012, the only base in Kona that is for 'someone like me', does not happen to be "Engage."
I had thought that was the one.

Apparently not so.

So here goes, again.

Man. Hello 2012, and the confusion you have brought.

Time to trust God like there's no tomorrow.
Pray for me folks ! I need to figure out what I want to do ASAP.
University or YWAM.
YWAM or University.


Other than that, I'm so excited.

Why is this a "justification post?"

I need to justify myself.
Do what's right.
Be myself.
Complete my new years resolutions:
   -to stand up for myself
   -say "yes" to things I normally would say "no" to, without breaking moral values (haha, yes, like "Yes man!")
   -Exercise more--> +blog+write music+draw more tooooo. :)

I need to justify myself in order to bring justice into other situations.

This probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense...

Maybe, if I tell you this is one of those "New Years Moments," you'll understand.

A "New Years Moment" where I feel inspired to become a better person, in order to change the world.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Post #5: Happy Christmas

It's that time of year.

Holy Wookie, the mall is the scariest place to be. Unfortunately I have been dragged into that torture chamber a lot this week! It is an entirely maddening experience for me. Honestly, I love shopping, I love meeting people, and people watching is a great thing to do around this time of year.... but it can be so frustrating !

I mean, the fact that people are running down the wrong side of the mall-- is the most annoying experience for me.
People. Walk on the right side. Don't go towards people.... !
I mean, sometimes it's not all that bad... but when they stop in the middle of "traffic," it tends to make me want to pull my hair out.

If that's not enough, the screaming kids sure do make me smile. 0_0

I'm quite the scrooge this year.
The fact that Christmas has become so commercialized is disgusting. In reality, it's just another Hallmark day.

I don't care about presents. I wish people would see it was much more than that.

The fact that people are complaining about the jingling bells that Sally Anne Kettle volunteers shake all over town, really made me rage.
You know, HP Sauce and I volunteered for a total of 6 hours shaking those bells-- and it's really NOT A BIG DEAL. People walking by, only hear it for like, 2 seconds.

How dare you complain. :)

When did Christmas become such a gimmick.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OMGSH! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Sunday, December 4, 2011

Post #4: Justification for the Music Realm.

I figured it would be best for me to include at least one "justice blog" on music... considering I love it so much. Music is a wonderful thing... it allows us to express who we are. Every song in the world is like a piece of soul... every word and every genre explode in such hype... it allows anyone to be who they want to be.

I guess my first question in writing this blog was, What exactly does music have to do with justice? And I thought about how many kids around the world don't get the same opportunities that we do: like being able to take piano lessons, or jam out on banjos, cranking up the bass, screaming in microphones. In North America, we're lucky in a sense.

Then again, we are also limited. On Friday, I attended something we call IB World Music. It's pretty much a bunch of IB kids coming together to dance and play instruments. I rather enjoyed it! I heard of some new instruments and listened to some tunes and beats they play around the world.

I find that we can get so stuck in our own little worlds of pop numbers, that we forget the rest of the world has their own instruments that are not at all similar to our own. A great majority of the student population defines music as anything that can make it on the Billboard Top 100. IB World Music, however, reminded me of the good old days, when I could make music out of banging pots and pans together. Or how about those ancient guitars of elastic bands and tissue boxes!

One of the performances featured a man who brought along some rocks he naturally found to have holes in, as well as a few whistles, and culturally traditional instruments from Vietnam and Japan.
The rocks were my favourite.

In all, I suppose that's what justification in music means to me. We as North Americans need to remember that music doesn't always have to be perfect. Music comes from the heart... and that is what matters most.

As a goal, I'm going to pick up my old guitar again. I know like... 5 chords... and I am determined to make a song before the year ends. It'll be like hitting some old natural roots... playing a song in 5 chords.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Post #2 Cont: I Am Silent

Just as an update, our school of +900 students raised a total of over $2600 for Free the Children! I am so excited about this! :) Each one of those dollars is worth a smile to me, as well as to those children found all around the world! :)

If you would like to donate, check out the website! For more information, check out that site, or read up on my last blog about I Am Silent! :)


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Post #3: "As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is." -Eric Sevareid

I am not sure if I am supposed to know who Eric Sevareid is, but I do approve of the quotation. :)

I thought I would take a different outlook on justice... but... it is rather similar to my passions: Justice For The Children.

For the past two-three weeks, our school has been handing out Operation Christmas Child boxes... and I had the pleasure of stuffing a box for a little girl 5-9 years of age.
I wish I could see her face... when she opens that box and finds pink frilly things and a teddy bear. I wish I could see her face change, a smile spreading from ear to ear.

It just got me thinking about the fact that there are many children who will not get presents this year... and I wish I could do something about that. I know that Christmas is supposed to be about the bigger picture... about the heart... but I'd still like to give to all these kids. I'd just like to see smiles on everyone's faces. :)

And another thing... what about all these kids growing up in our North American culture? Christmas is used as propaganda to get people to buy and buy and buy! It's just another Hallmark Day for most businesses.
...I know that we'll just lose more kids to the belief that "Santa Claus doesn't exist," because not everyone is lucky enough to get a present around this time of year.
Living in this society is not easy... We all need to be reminded of the deeper meaning of Christmas.

(That Smile.)

I just want to make a difference.

I wish I was a trillion dollars richer... I would use it towards endless supplies of teddy bears, hot cocoa, and sugar cookies... every kid deserves that much.

Anyways... I guess the purpose of this blogpost was to challenge you during this season. Volunteer. Do something you normally wouldn't do.

Be the justice our world needs. Spread the love. That's what Christmas is about to me. Spreading the love. :)


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Love Is In the AIR!

Nooo? You think not???
Well then.
Jazzy would like you to step outside, sniff in a great breath of air, breathe deeply, *make sure your eyes are closed!* Now smile. :) Feels good, right?
That my friend, is the deeply invigorating love of Mr.Snow telling you that he is on his way. Vastly enchanting, is it not?
I canNOT wait! :) This winter break I plan on having an ADVENTURE!

Even though it's nearly a month away.

You know, this time last year, I was preparing for a dream-awakening trip to Disneyland.

Not this year.

No. This year, I am stuck analyzing "That Scottish Play." What more can I do but paraphrase dialogue? I do not know how I am to dissect every bit of this play. It barely makes sense as it is.

Oh IB. Why must you hate on me like so?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Post #2: I Am Silent: A Protest Against Injustice


In 10 days, I shall be abstaining from speaking, miming actions, texting, facebooking, twittering, and blogging. I do not think that being away from the World Wide Web for 24 hours will be much of a challenge... but heck, I'll do it anyway.

On the other hand, I don't know how I am not supposed to talk... or make actions.
But I've decided that this is something I am definitely going to do. It's a small sacrifice.

I am taking a vow of silence on November 24th, to raise awareness about the many people living in a state of poverty, facing such vivid states of exploitation.
A while ago, I told you about a documentary that focused on the unfortunate circumstances that cause young women and children to be forced into human trafficking. At least, I think I did. If I did not, than I will tell you about it another time. It's quite a long story.

In any case, I'm taking this vow of silence to raise money that will go to people like those in poverty, child soldiers, sex slaves, etc.

People in third world countries do not have the opportunities like we do. We are extremely blessed to live in a democratic state, where our freedoms can sometimes be taken for granted (*ahem*occupy wall street*ahem*).

I am choosing to remain silent because it's like a choice to be in their shoes, for just 24 hours. It's not a large price to pay. I am choosing to be silent for one day, because billions of children are forced to remain silent  every day.

I want to stand up for them, because they are not allowed to stand up for themselves. We take our human rights for granted... where as in these third world countries, they are forced to live in environments where their human rights are never met.

I hope this is all making sense to you. If not, here's a link to the website. I encourage you to join me in vowing to remain silent for children around the world. If I know you in the real world and we have personally met, but I have not told you much about this fundraiser, please contact me, and I can totally get you involved.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Just To Add...

Regarding Post #1 of my new blogging aspiration to inform you about injustice/social issues happening around the world, I thought I'd add this picture...

Ok. Tried uploading the picture. Can't.

Here's the link. Check it out. Tell me what you think. :)

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'll Give You Some, If You Give Me Some First.


Admire (someone or something) deeply, as a result of their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Sometimes I get super tired of those kids I used to be close to, who don't respect my favourite choices of music. I've been a strong supporter of one of my most inspirational artists (Young Chozen) for a couple of years now, but some people think he's just too "preachy," as I've heard it called before. 

My non-Christian friends don't understand why I'd support someone who remixes songs by their most inspirational artists. The way I see it, Young Chozen makes secular music healthy to listen to. No swearing, No inappropriate phrases. Nothing dirty. He tries to glorify God by making these mix-tapes. 

I'll take a swing at it and say that most of my friends don't like him because he isn't their kind of "party" music.

But here's the deal.

I don't disrespect your favourite artists, kid. I think that what they have to say isn't healthy to living the greatest life all the time. What I respect is the fact that you look up to something. You have someone of great influence in your life, who happens to work in the music world... I just disagree with some of the messages they stand for. Another thing I do respect about these secular artists you are a fan of: most of the time, they're absolutely genuine

Sometimes Christianity is inaccurately portrayed by hypocritical people of the Church. And that is extremely unfortunate for the people who are actually trying to do good by what they do. 

The thing is, Young Chozen is one of those Christians who isn't a hypocrite. He's made a life out of following God. He's not the Churchy person who acts like he's perfect 100% of the time, and back stabs non-Christians. Young Chozen admits his downfall all the time, and this is personified throughout the great majority of his songs.

Isn't that what you want to see? You're tired of Christians pointing the finger, and doing wrong against their own words...? Like the "Christian" who'll party it up during the week by losing all of their core values, then put on the "fake face" and go all religious on you. 

I'm trying to live my life by being a Jesus-follower every day. I try my best. I really do.
But I'm only human.
I think thoughts like any other human does.
I want to do things that most teens my age do... but instead I remember the biggest promise I've made to God: to represent Him accurately.

I hold myself to many values that a lot of people don't understand. That's part of the sacrifice of being a "Jesus Freak." We put up with a lot of crap thrown at us. We are ridiculed and picked on for listening to the apparently "stupid" tunes. We listen to Christian music by Young Chozen, Lecrae, Tedashi.... (I could go on!) because it enhances our relationships with God, and aids us in bettering our own lives. True Christian music that's real and alive... it helps us be real. No acting. It teaches us how to teach others. It teaches us that being a hypocrite is terrible. 

Christian music IS preachy. Sure it is. But that's not always a bad thing.
Its message is to help us become better people.

I guess what you don't realize is that our Christian music is always positive. Nothing is ever negative. 99% of the Christian music we have is supposed to encourage people.
I've noticed that 99% of secular music can encourage all sorts of unhealthy emotions, though. It warps depression, anger, sadness, love, and false hope all together.... Do you not find that confusing? 

What I like about Christian music is that it's real. It gives me true hope. It's always about true love. 

Maybe what you don't like to hear is the fact that it will always glorify God. Real Christians and Real Christian Music suggest that no one else is number one, but God; that the world doesn't revolve around you. 

Well. Maybe this will change your mind...? 

Though the world revolves around God... His love revolves around you. 

That's what keeps me going. When I am ridiculed for who I stand for, I remember that at least His love is saving me each and every day. 

Because Jesus loves me... I can be unafraid to live. 

I am 'Unafraid' to die. 

I am 'Unafraid' of fear itself. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Post #1 Con't: Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Vancouver

Occupy Vancouver protesters disrupt mayoral debate

Enlighten yourself by clicking the above link.

Your thoughts?

I for one and terribly disappointed with both sides of this picture, and this is me being the 99% speaking up against what's really wrong.

Dear Mr. Zimmerman,

If you feel the need to exploit your ideas about how corruption has taken over the government, please do. One thing, however, needs to be made clear. How many people are going to vote for you if you're yelling at them? That was quite a diplomatic approach you made.

I commend you for expressing the values we all hold towards democracy, and am certainly in agreement with that side of your argument... but the other question I hold to being of great value, is how will you act if you become mayor of Vancouver? Do not you think you would seize the opportunity to celebrate your victory, with the salary of the position, by having a lobster dinner? What if you enjoyed it so much that you continued indulging in such unpolitical affairs afterwards?

If you're greatest wish is for the money to be going to the people, and not towards corporate greed, what differences are you going to make that will actually happen?

I have seen promise after promise being made by all candidates in my lifetime, and those who make it big, tend to break their promises in the end anyways. I'm tired of liars running in elections. I want change. I know that you stand for change... 

So what are your promises that will be of effort towards democratic change? How will you make democracy actually happen?

Now, as I have said, I am not in complete disagreement with this man. He has made a point about a crucial matter that needs to be addressed by current mayor, Mr. Roberson, and other mayoral candidate Mrs. Anton.

Dear Mr. Robertson,

What are your true feelings about democracy? I agree, Occupy Vancouver has turned the city into a slum-case-scenario.... But let us disperse with the loitering and the ignorance amongst the crowd, and pull out the few who stand for reason.

The 99% are being oppressed by money factors, as the government stuffs their pockets full of dough. It has been revealed as though you care only for how it is effecting your campaign. Understandable..... but I don't think that saying the following:

“It is your right to protest but it is not your right to have an encampment in our downtown from here on,” he said. “We want to see a resolution that is peaceful and respectful of all the citizens and that enables you to keep protesting but that ends the encampment as it now exists.”

Read more: http://www.vancourier.com/Occupy+Vancouver+protest+disrupts+mayoral+debate/5610666/story.html#ixzz1bwvmij98

is really going to make a difference. Citizens are being dramatic because changes are not being met. 

What are your ideas for change? Your ideology says you lean towards conservatism, so how can you encourage your own campaign, as well as encouraging democratic movements by sufficing the people? You cannot have one without the other in this case.

It is interesting to note that if Mr. Robertson leans towards the democratic changes, he'll lose major conservative supporters. On the other hand, if he disagrees with everything Occupy Vancouver stands for, and is appalled by their "discretion," he will look like quite an oppressor.

Your thoughts? How can this situation be justified and how should Mr. Zimmerman be treated?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Post #1 Continued

Post #1: "To co-operate passively with an unjust system makes the oppressed as evil as the oppressor."-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Occupy Wall Street

In accordance to my blogging oath to update my dear readers on social justice movements and such, I have decided to take a different route on discussing our number one North American Pleasure: democracy.


I recommend that, first of all, you check out the above website. It links to an article that intertwines the similarities of citizens protesting and Martin Luther King Jr.'s message.
I'm obviously oblivious as to knowing where you stand upon this subject, so I would be more than happy to hear your opinions on Occupy Wall Street.

For the purposes of trying to discuss this article, without showing my own personal bias towards the event, I have decided to touch upon the information brought about within this article relating it towards the doctrines of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that, "To co-operate passively with an unjust system makes the oppressed as evil as the oppressor."
Obama has addressed the world by saying this: "If [Martin Luther King, Jr.] were alive today, I believe he would remind us that the unemployed worker can rightly challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonizing all who work there."
The question, however, that both I and the article dare to ask humanity, is this: Would King really have stood aside and lightly addressed what is happening with our economy?

Considering the circumstances, it is a waste to challenge this topic because we will never really know what he would have said.

The question we should be asking, is whether or not we are taking democracy seriously or not? Has Occupy Wall Street turned into a revolutionizing protest that will forever stand to be a world-wide known movement, heaving upon the government's shoulders the soul substance of a phenomenon called change? Will people look back 100 years from now and say, "Boy, I'm glad my ancestors took a stand against the government for the sake of economical suffice." Or, will the enhanced subject be the mockery of the role of the ordinary people? Has Occupy Wall Street damaged our alleged democracy? Are the brawls of protest in favour of change, or in favour of a lazy population taking democracy for granted? It's one thing to be an activist about standing for what's right, and be organized and lawful about it, but it's another to turn the protests into chaos.

I found out more about Occupy Wall Street whilst I was watching the Pierce Morgan Tonight show. Then, it made sense to me why people were taking a stand. Some of the activists that were interviewed were able to clearly say why they were protesting.

Weeks later, it seems like trashing land and brawls are all a lot of people care about. It makes the oppressed look like oppressors! It's demoralizing the faith of the true activists who are there with a purpose.

It doesn't look like I did a very good job of disguising my bias, but I leave you with this quotation:

"In these turbulent days of uncertainty, the evils of war and of economic and racial injustice threaten the very survival of the human race."

How will justice interfere with our democratic policies? If the fate of our political world can rest within our own democratic beliefs, is the outcome most likely to be negative or positive?

What can we do to make an outstanding change, without risking the destruction of democracy? 

Your thoughts?

Friday, October 21, 2011

“If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow-creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large.” - William Wilberforce

I have been awakened.
My eyes... are now open.
Now, more than ever before.

Did you know that there are over 10 million child sex slaves?
I am appalled at this disgusting, perverted number.

On Saturday, I attended a "movie night" at a friend's church, with my Mumsie. It turned out to be a documentary on human trafficking. I definitely learned some new things. Who knew I could become such a changed person.... more passionate about justice.... within a two and half hour time span.

I didn't know about the Red Light District before.
I didn't know that prostitution was legal in some places! So gross. About a quarter of the way through the documentary, I actually felt like throwing up (this coming from a person with a normally strong stomach).
Prostitution globally, is never a choice in the end.

In school, I've heard my friends joke about prostitution and pimps before.
But now, I'm determined to never pass it off as something slightly humorous. These poor girls... all of them were caught in these traps (whether they wanted the luxuries portrayed through films like Pretty Woman, or just wanted to obey their parents and bring in the money).

I couldn't believe that there are actually parents out there who will sell their little children (not even 10 years old!) for $3000.
I went home Saturday night feeling blessed to have such a loving Daddy, and a Mumsie who would never dare give up my brother or me for some extra money.

We are all so blessed.

For the next 30 days I am determined to update you guys on justice movements, the injustice happening around the world, and information on what you can do to stop it. I'm tired of pimps and perverted people taking over young women, little girls, and even boys. They have absolutely no right to destroy the innocence of such beautiful people.
I cannot let this rest. Now that my eyes have been opened to the fact that prostitution is not at all a choice (they are being forced to act like it's their own choice so that there pimps don't hurt or kill them, or harm their loved ones), I want to make a difference.


We need justice.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Something I Support

In reference to my visit to the library, 
I came across this picture (and yes, I know that it is quite old): 

:) But it was definitely quite lovely to see once again (:

Invest In An Umbrella, Folks.

The rainy season has arrived.

Today, I will admit, I did grumble just a tad as I had to walk home with about 20pounds on my back. I honestly do not understand why these teachers must load us with papers and textbooks. Do they do it just to take pure enjoyment and laugh as their lessons disfigure our backs?

In any case, I had walked for about 15 minutes, before I realized I had left something in my locker. So....I walked all the way back.
Whence forth, came the groans.
Usually I don't mind walking home. I rather do enjoy it, but I think the idea of retracing my steps turned out to be quite the downer.

Anywho, I walked home and fed the fish. Then, I decided it would be best to walk to the library. :)
Oh, how I love going to the library on such rainy days as these. 
But, today I had to not only walk home with my back pack...but also to the library, due to certain circumstances.
More grumbles.

The thing is, God always has this way of putting things into perspective for me. I was walking past Safeway, and a middle-aged woman with no umbrella, walked past me with the faintest of smiles upon her face. I can tell you right now, that is not an easy thing to do when you're caring about 5 heavy bags of groceries.
So I took time to meditate on the fact that, I don't have it as hard as I think I do. In fact, most of us have it way too easy.

The next time you open your mouth to complain about something, I dare you to put it into perspective.

There is probably someone around the world facing much more than a heavy backpack full of education items...that a lot of children in any third world country would die for.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Who in Denmark and the UK is reading my blog?! :) Comment!!!!
One of my vain endeavourments is to travel around Europe!!
I'd love to hear what you have to say! :)

Albums I NEED To Purchase.

Vice Verses - Switchfoot

The Help Soundtrack - from the Motion Picture, The Help

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Craziness of Post-Grad Options

So with the end of highschool days, come the moments where I feel faint (thumbs up for relient k wording). I have been researching like crazy for the past three years at least, wondering what options are out there and what I should do....
I'm sure that I've mentioned the YWAM: DTS programs out there.... I was thinking of going to the UK... because we all know how much I love Britain, yo! :)
But, uni wise, I've told my fellow IB nerds this monstrosity of a plan: ima get my bachelor of fine arts degree, double major in public history and french, then become a museum operations worker. Bahahah! who knew you had to have a BFA in order to work as that! CrZy. Anywho. They just be jokes :) leaving my plans up to God, because I'm so unsure as to what I want to do. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Today I am irked.
Irked about what you ask?

How the people I call friends, are bearing burdens that are not there's to bear. I don't even bear this stuff; I don't see the point in making it such a big deal. But no, suddenly it's okay to make me feel super terrible about the stuff I don't participate in.
It's really not that big of a deal. I've never made it a big deal, either. You're the one doing that.
If you're reading this, chances are, I'm not talking about you...so don't take this too personally. :)

Anyways. I'm quite tired of this week and it's only Monday.
Things will get better, I know they will.
:) For I am listening to some good ole gospel-feel-good music.

Fred Hammond. :)
Kirk Franklin. :)
And all that jazzzzz.

And I have started attending Young Adults. :) Definitely will be the highlight of my week: Tuesday. :)

Well. Here's to hoping for a better week. :)

Jazzy. :)

p.s. This is great. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Has anyone here seen the movie Fame?
Well...I fell in love with this song. :) That and his voice.
I find it all overwhelmingly beautiful.

I don't know why I've caught a liking for this movie. Maybe it's my deep inner desire to go to a big arts school and sing my heart out. I'm not sure.
If you haven't seen Fame, I guess that I would recommend it. I'm not too sure; it all depends on whether or not you love the arts and all the motions they go through.
It kind of gave me mixed emotions about making it big, though. It seems like it would be extremely stressing to be a part of such a dramatic school. Like...they make you do so much you don't want to do.
Like acting for one...would not be my thing. Not even some of the closest people in my life can push me out of my comfort zone...hahaha.
I don't know.
I'd really just love to sing, though. And play my piano. And paint. And dance.
haha. I can't dance ;)

Anywho. I'm gonna go find the chords to this song and practice it.
I'm thinking about performing something for (Our School's) Got Talent. Yes?
If you think I should, maybe comment on a song suggestion.

I sing some jazz songs....like this:

And I like singing Alex Goot's part in this...:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A demain, c'est Le Jour Deux.
I think that's how you say it. Which means....
Madelle seras ici!!! Yayyyy.

Bonjour le classe de Francais.
Il a été longtemps.......! D:

Ichimaru Gin..... :) haha.....Jeeeeeune FIIIIIIIILLES.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

FYI: I'm Not in Grade 10.

Todays adventures were a lot less awesome.
Rather dull.
But none the less, I thought I'd share with you all that the school flirt thinks I'm in grade 10.


After school I went to grab my backpack out of my locker, and the strap was wedged in on the side. I couldn't get it out -.- so I went and asked the VP for some help. She came to my locker, bringing along with her this kid who was asking her a question. 
Both the guy and the VP seemed to think I was new to the school. As a matter of fact I have been going to this ghetto place since grade 10. I was like, "Naaa, I've been here for a couple of years."
He was like, "Grade 10."
A statement I misunderstood....and answered "Yes," to. 
Oh dear.
So now, this guy thinks I'm in grade 10...when in reality, I just meant to have said that I've been going here since grade 10.
I was very preoccupied with the fact that the strap was wedged into the locker...and absentmindedly ignored what I had said, until I started riding my bike home and realized what had just happened.

Dear anonymous boy, I happen to be the same age as you, but I guess you won't really find out until Grad Timeeee. 




Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yesterday's History, Tomorrow's a Mystery, Today's an Adventure.

Yesterday's History, Tomorrow's a Mystery, Today's a (Gift) Adventure.

In essence, today went as follows:

-Woke up. 
-Too early.
-Barely texted a yoda quote to Porthos, who seems to manage just find, texting at 7:15 in the morning.
-Rode bike to school (no problemos). 
-Survived my first official 6 hour school day of my last year in highschool. 
-Was entertained during my peer tutoring block (which turned out to be a spare at the time), by Essentially -B who read the most entertaining information from a chemistry textbook. 
-Rode my bike easily enough back home.
-Blah Blah Blah
-Decided to ride my bike to Staples with the idea in mind that I would get two notebooks and some coloured pens. Having put on my helmet, I rode my bike around the block and nearly keeled over. My cell phone rang and I thought I was legit enough to pick it up at the same time I was riding. I've done it before, but a word from the wise: it apparently doesn't work when your cell phone slips out of your hand. It fell through those wire things on the wheel, and I braked super hard, and the phone slipped through the wire things, completely unharmed. It was a close call, I must say, but nothing was damaged, nor was I hurt.
Haha....like 5 boys walking home saw me though. They laughed. Always so encouraging. :p :)
-Got to Staples. Bought the two notebooks.
-Left Staples; started riding home.
-A car didn't see me and the guy almost hit me...but he was slow enough to stop safely.
-Arrived at my final destination (home) all in one piece.

Summary: Today was quite the adventure.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Need Good Music?

Here are some of the latest songs I have fallen in love with. I guess if you've been reading this blog frequently, you'd find that I like a lot of tunes that are inspiring and get-up rockin. I went through a phase where I liked a lot of indie music, but these days I'm quite picky about it. Having said that, I've loaded up my ipod with some jazz tunes, more oldies (oh, how I've always loved the oldies!), rap, and acoustic happy stuff.
Here ya go.

That's just a few :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh Summer, Why Do You Tease Me So?

You know, each June I feel the long hard school year pass away, and take a credible amount of joy in the coming months of summer...but as September peaks his head around the corner, I realize that it is not possible for these breezy, beautiful, care-free months to stay forever.
Having said that, it feels like our Grad Year is right around the corner, guys!!

Okay. I don't want to talk about that anymore. Too many mixed emotions. So Stoked, and So Sad at the Same Time.

Enooooough of that.

As per ritual, Summer usually permits me to go through old storage boxes in the garage, and having done so last week, I came across a favourite book series I used to be addicted to in the middle school years.

The Mandie Series. 

These books are super short but utterly delighting. I remember when it used to take me a week to read these books, and I still found them to be mysteriously engrossing. I picked one up yesterday and finished it in a couple of hours. Silly me. :p
I'm planning on finishing this series, but I'll have to buy some of them....I only have books 1-17 or something...and there's like....a billion. 
I remember as an elementary kid I used to read the "little mandie" books....based on when she was much younger; then as I turned 12, I found a much more mature series, and yet, as I turned 14 or 15 I gave up because I realized this series was unending. The excellent author, Lois Gladys Leppard, not only wrote on Mandy's younger days and teenage days, but also on her college years!
I'm sure I can finish them.
I just have to try.

Next on my great hunt, I found a book called "Authentic Beauty" by Leslie Ludy. It's a great advice giving, devotional, girlie book that my wonderful Mumsie gave me last year. 
I started reading it, and it's super great! It's about moving past the secular message about romance, and not listening to what the worldly culture tells us; rather to walk with God and find romance in Him.
I haven't exactly finished this, but it's a great book where Leslie Ludy describes her teenage life, and shares how she prepared her heart for God, and for her husband.

That's what I'm reading at the moment, but I'll let you know of any other great finds!! :)


Monday, August 1, 2011

Ode To Thee, Yee Hypocrites.

If there's one thing that I've learned in my short life span of seventeen years, it's the dirty fact that the noted exploitations of addictions, do not die easily. They may die hard and drastically, but they do not die easy.
No matter how loved you are...
No matter how many friends you've got holdin' you up...
No matter the dollars in your pocket, or the lack there of--addictions are just that.
I've prayed and I've lost.
I've known and I've wondered.
But this.
This has thus far amounted to be just too much.

From whence came forth your troubles and lies, sends heartbreak and love infused with my cries.

I hope you find God...who can lift you up, out of the spiritual debt that these addictions have buried you in....

And as a warning to those who like to meddle with trouble...
And those who persist to put their hands into boiling pots of water...just for the thrill of it (which I do continue to believe, the proposed does include us all, to some extent)....I pray you fight to stand up straight.

Exonerate yourself from the blames addiction has slowly piled upon your back.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cupcake Wars.

I don't usually like watching TV.
I kind of find it to be a waste of time unless it's America's Got Talent, Flashpoint, or the News.
I was watching the Food Network, and Cupcake Wars was on.

Oh my gosh.
It opened up my mind to a bunch of ideas.
But one thing is for sure: I am going to become a pro-cupcake baker. ;) hahaha.
I'm gonna start practicing making flowers, roses, and different patterns out of icing. :)
It's in my blood, actually. ;) Pretty much the whole Sinhalese side of me is artsy.....soo....with a little practicing, I might not do half bad. ;)

I'm pretty stoked.
Wish me luck!

Hopefully I'll have some pro cupcakes made in time for my birthday. :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

:) Hi There.

Isn't summer great?
Hopefully the sun decides to actually stay out for all of August.
I'd say we definitely deserve it.
I mean...last year we were hittin it up at 30-40C! Yet, this whole entire month, July's just been handing us the most random weather. We even went to our favourite vacation spot, and the water was freezing cold! People were jumping into the lake in wet suits. -.- Not right.
I managed to wear shorts, but not half as much as I should have.
July should have given us a little more heat.
Crossing my fingers in hopes that my birthday will deliver us some sweet heat.

In other news, I have been sketching! :) Really enjoying my pencils, this time of year. I drew a Jedi Starfighter 05, and a Stormtrooper. Slightly flawed, and a little too penciled out, but I guess that's what you get when you use a 2B Pencil. :)

I've been practicing my piano! Though, I can't get my printer to work...and I'm supposed to be working on Sonata No.5 or something...... :3 Hopefully it prints out soon!!

Music wise, I'm still listening to a lot of pop, electro, DJ mixes, n stuff.

Movie wise, I am officially all caught up on the Harry Potter movies, and am absolutely convinced that books were +100% waaaaay better.
Don't get me wrong, the director didn't do too bad of a job, but it felt like so much was missing.
I still need to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, though.

Can't wait to see Agapanthus. Definitely miss you sooo much! Hope you're having the time of your life in Greece.
I want to go with you next year! :)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Cheers to Summer.

A Jones soda, couple of friends, the beach, and starry sky
Some family time, some working hours
This summer is gonna be off the hook
I ain't tellin you no lie.

So stoked.
I made a playlist.
Getting into some Indie Electro stuff. :)
Enjoy! :)


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Goodbye Grade 11.

Well. You guys.
We did it.
We finished our first year of IB.
One more year.

You know, today, it finally hit me like a unicorn falling from the sky. Not the concept of summer (noting that the rain has not ceased), but the concept that....I have to get going on making my prom dress, start thinking about scholarship opportunities, look through college and uni brochures, make sure I'm on the right track, put some extra effort into the extra courses I'm going to be taking, definitely go harder and push myself with my piano, write more.....aaaaaaaaaaah *migraine.

Sometimes I wonder what my life could have turned out to be...if I had focused on one core area. Like the arts. What if I had continued piano at age 5? Would I be thinking about Juilliard right now?
Not gonna lie...I think Juilliard would be a lot of fun...wouldn't mind going there. But chances are that won't happen.

What if I was super brilliant? Would I be thinking about Ivy League schools?

Truth is...I don't know what I'm really good at. I'm sure the average kid doesn't. We're all over the map....and I don't understand why everyone wants to know what I'm going to university for. I don't understand why so many adults make a face when I say that I have absolutely no idea what I want to be "when I grow up," because to them, I am grown up, and these 11 years of education prepping should have prepared me for this disastrous, wonderful, life-changing, big question. Are you ready to graduate?

Maybe I'll sing and play piano for life. Maybe I'll become a Chemist, ironic since up until Semester II grade 11, I've always been disgusted with science. Maybe I'll live by my pen and travel the world with notebooks, canvas, paint, and a Nikon D3100.
Maybe I'll go to uni, get a BA, marry the prince of my dreams, and adopt a billion teens so that we can all live in my dream home.
Maybe I'll finish high school, fall in love with YWAM, and rearrange all my plans.
Maybe I'll travel...and travel....and travel just to rub it in fears face that nothing is impossible.....that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Pshht....I have no idea what my future holds. Nothing. Notta.
The world tells me that I've gotta have it figured out by the end of this summer.
Heck, they want that figured out right now.
LOL. They wanted it written, signed, and vowed upon, post-Planning 10.

But, reader, I think the best advice I can offer for a situation like this...is we'll never know what we truly want. We live in a world full of incredible opportunities. Don't let anyone tell you what you cannot do. Follow your dreams and live life to the fullest.
That's what I plan on doing.

Goodbye Grade 11. Hello Senior Year.
Kind of a scary thought. I'm not sure what this year is gonna bring. I don't know what I'll be given, or what I'll choose. All I know is, that God's got my future planned out....I'll just have to follow my dreams in order to get there. Whatever it is....it'll be fulfilling, purposeful, engaging, and I'll absolutely love it.

We have to make our own path. I don't want to be like everyone else. I don't want to follow your dreams....that's why I have my own.
I want to leave high school, knowing that I made some sort of difference....and I want to go into this real world, knowing that I have a purpose to fulfill, and a mark to make upon the earth.

Here's to you, fellow grad victims of 2012.

We're not like everyone else. We have our own stories to tell, and new chapters to make.

No Regrets.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I love that feeling that twists my heart up into that throbbing emotion of love. I love it when I can sit down on my favourite piece of furniture ~my piano stool~ and let my fingers roll along the ivories and flats. I love the feeling of a pedal beneath my painted toes.

Today I managed to sit down...and just play. I didn't go over my scales (though I definitely need to!!), and I didn't practice Sonatina in C Major (The Third Movement), and I briefly went over my study...but, today I allowed my self to sing and play the three best songs I've written.

It felt fantastic.

All the words fell into place, and I managed to hit some notes I haven't hit before...but I sang like I meant it. Most of my songs are so abstract, and I know that if I ever perform them, I'll have to explain them...but today I sang them with so much meaning.
It felt so real.

For me, when I sing and play my upright....it's like I enter a whole new world. A world where scales and majors and minors echo beyond what they really are. It's like these notes float onto papers in Heaven....and I can imagine that I'm playing along with Heaven's choir.

What it comes down to, is that everything that feels so real to me....becomes my songs. I sing for the sake of the passion deep within me. I sing for what makes me live and breathe.

Today I finished writing one of my songs....I'm fooling around with the bridge...but I can for the most part pull some improv with some chords and make it work.

And then I felt like writing more--and I finally wrote another song. In record time, too!

It takes me a while to write songs...because I don't always write when I have the onus to do so.

But today was a very passionate day.

And I just thought I'd share that with you. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Skip to 1:38, then read the rest of this blogpost. :)

Oh my word. I'm pretty sure anyone who is into the oldies, knows what song that title is a part of.
It's soooo annoying.
It's been stuck in my head all day.
And now it will be stuck in yours. :)

I blame it on HP Sauce. Today we were reviewing the Russian Revolution unit, and she had asked, "Who's Rasputin again?"
Then I said, "Ra-Ra-Rasputin da da daaa dada da da daaaaa."

Mr. Wans gave me this terribly serious face and said, "Don't ever sing that song in my class again! ........I hate ABBA!"


hahah, O-Mann and I were like, "But Wans, I don't think that song is by Abba."
Wans, "Who cares, I don't wanna be frolicking through the halls with that song stuck in my head!"

These are what sweet history things are made up of. :)
It was a great day. :)
For the remainder of our class, HP Sauce and I spent it singing Ra-Ra-Rasputin (ok...only I did) , and laughing our heads off at O-Mann's hilarious comments throughout the class.

O-Mann, I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time. :) You made my day!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ironic how I would write that last post.....and then find this :)

and this..... :) 

I Don't Think I Can Explain This Very Well

And I don't know if I want to. No.
Details will remain unsaid.

But, all in all I've found myself questioning too much. "Is this real, is that? Is anything?" Very ridiculous, but it's been pretty hard. I haven't written very much because I've been trying to get my head on straight. Over the past few weeks, I've even questioned my faith.....

I guess a lot of people do.
But I've never wanted to come to this stance-point.
It's a super different change... and I'm pretty sure Theory of Knowledge Class doesn't help. (Hence why I'm dropping it for 2011-2012).
I've feared so much in the past few weeks.
So....in rebel against all this, I've been reading a lot of scriptures from the Bible....all dealing with how the love of God is so powerful, protective, and amazing.

I hate TOK for making me question everything....and yes....it's made me question even this. But I'm pressing on. I really am.
And somehow, I just know that God's using this to strengthen me......and I'm pretty sure this is that part in life where I can choose to take the high road or the low road.

Yes, this is definitely one of those challenges where I have to put everything in God's hands.
It's hard.
It's that spiritual part of Christianity where everything relies on you allowing the Holy Spirit to move....allowing Jesus to take my life and rule 100% of it. Yeah, the Word backs up a lot of it.....(hope this is making sense to you, Reader), but so much of this has been spiritually supernatural for me.

But....I just know that in the end I'll make it out.
Sometimes my days are super cheery, and sometimes it's a battlefield in my mind where I have to put on the Armour of God (having realized how powerful it really is!) and charge at every thing that's so distracting.

But...I just know that this is a test I'll pass. I have to. I must.
I've been trying to read a lot of the Word to get focused and remind myself that I'm not the only one who's gone/going through this. It's working.

I just have to push past that disgusting spirit of fear a lot, and wake up realizing that God is real. We can't see Him, but He's alive. He is.

Man. It feels good to have finally let some of it out.

Memo: If you're feeling burdened, not joking, it helps to speak up. As much as you don't want to, it helps to get it over with.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I really love this song.

"What Only You Can Do" -Misty Edwards

Yes I know I haven't written in a while....but the big reason will come later. Surprisingly it has nothing to do with procrastination! :) Not really anyways......

It'll be up sooner than you can say "You haven't even finished your 30-Day Blogger's Challenge!"

I know I know.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I haven't blogged in SO long, AND I haven't even finished the Thirty-Day Blogger's Challenge :O

But, I wanted to post this while the vibe was 'round...and while this writing notion lasts.

What is the topic of choice, you ask?

Osama Bin Laden.

I'm sure all of you have heard about this....I was probably the last person on the face of the Earth...or at least North America...to find out he had been captured and "taken care of."

The purpose of this blogpost is just stating my opinion  though......

See, I totally understand the terrible deeds he did regarding 9/11 and such....how so many lives were lost because of his actions.......and that millions of people suffered....but what I don't comprehend is why so many people are celebrating his death.
Like they say...."an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Has it not crossed anyone's mind that just because Osama Bin Laden died, doesn't mean there isn't a back up?! C'mon! There's always someone else to succeed a leader. I don't think that rampaging through the streets of North America is going to prevent any plotting of terrorist activity.

Celebrating any kind of murder just doesn't sit well with me. I don't care how terrible the person is......everyone should have the choice to live. Yes they may be exclusively undeniable crude.....but who's to say they should die for it?

In Theory of Knowledge, we learned about the validity of statements.
So, through all this, I could say Osama Bin Laden is a person. People do bad things. Therefore all people should die.

Personally, I think that this is only going to make matters worse. If terrorists are people who want to die for what they believe, and they believe it is wrong for the Americans to have killed Bin Laden, then don't you think we've got a very serious matter on our hands?

Apparently not only does "an eye for an eye [make] the whole world blind," but "revenge is sweet."

I hope nothing terrible happens.....and I'll pray as hard as I can....but sometimes things seem extremely uncalled for.

It's gonna take more people than just me to pray for our country. Our continent. Our world.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One Thing About Adolescence.

As teens, we grow.

And Spiritually.

I'm at that point where....I'm looking back, reflecting, and correcting.
I'm dreaming....hoping....aspiring to be like my loved ones.

Over the past year, life's handed me tears, smiles, and frowns....and I've learned how to handle these things. In other cases, I'm still emotionally flustered, and fine myself laying in bed thinking about certain hardships past midnight.

At this very moment though, this song has been incredibly evoking.

I need to wake up.
I want to wake up.
It's just very difficult....to wake up out of hibernation.

More difficult than I thought.

But. "I need to be revived. Bring me back to life."

I'm gonna try harder.
I really am.

Hold me to it folks.

God......Hold me to it.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

TOK is actually influencing me?!?!

I am listening to Imogen Heap! Alas, I have found an indie techno band that of which I looooove. :)

One more thing to note: I got a journal a few weeks ago (Eco friendly, of course: made of sugarcane!!) which has remained blank for quite a while (aside from two of my favorite songs; ones that I have written) ..... But I've finally figured out what it will be used as.

No so much of a journal...
But a keepsake of memories, thoughts, and perceptions.

Pretty much my brains romantic thoughts on life. Looking at the deeper meanings of things and such.

I sound like an IB TOK nerddddd. XD

Friday, March 18, 2011


I have started yet another blog. :) For my more...'serious'...pieces. :) 

Check it out. Enjoy. 

Peace, Love, and Granola,

I'm In Love.

With Yann Tiersen ;)

He's a composer, no worries. :)
Best music I've heard in a long time. It's so captivating....enthralling....makes me want to dance...it's exhilarating.
I feel like going on adventures, skydiving, running and never stopping when I hear his collaborations.


It is just so very inspiring.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Questions II

To add to what I said earlier....titled Questions...

See, I just read my devotions.
It's like God was talking directly to me.

"The more difficult your day, the more I yearn to help you. Anxiety wraps you up in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts. When you look to Me and whisper My Name, you break free and receive My help. Focus on Me, and you will find Peace in My Presence."
- Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Hvers vegna get ég nennir jafnvel?


I've come upon yet another questioning stanza in my rhyme of life.

Only....it's not whether or whether not I've made the right choices.

Nothing like that.

More like.....
Why this?
Why that?

I'm trusting God.
Knowing all will work out.

Knowing...Praying...and Hoping....that I can soon dig deeper, rather than just scratch the surface.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Riding the Tides

Virtually.....Life is like a glass bottle. We....are like glass bottles.

We float in the tides waiting to reach dry land.
We ride the waves...
We sink....we float....we crash....

And sometimes we break.

Say someone finds our broken pieces, though. Say someone (of a greater being) melts our pieces with his own creation....with his own fire.
Say.....let's say....he makes us new again.

Say....he puts back out in the water again....but this time....He controls the water.....He controls the tides.....
and we float with the strengths and abilities....the density and being that which he has given us.

Life is like a glass bottle.
I am a glass bottle.

And...right now...
I feel like floating against the greater tides.....so....I'm rising from where I've sunk....and I'm going to ride them waves.
I think the only way I'll be able to float up from the depths I'm in....the only way I can get out of this current that's dragging me on to no purpose....is to call on my Maker.

Bring 'em on, baby. Bring 'em on.


Note that I'm going to postpone that blogpost.....I forget what number it is.
But I'm not ready to write it.
The one about what's in my bag.

I want to wait until I find a messenger bag and do a funky photo........If I don't find a side messenger bag by the end of the next two weeks (I'm on spring break) I'll just letcha know what's in my bag and get on with the thirty-day challenge.

For now.
I will write.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh boy.

"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

When I had read this quote sometime around last year, I rotated the word "love" around, and managed to impliment it into the sentences. I loved it. It's a super quote if you're going that way.

But what of....broken love?
That is what came to mind yesterday.
Broken love.

 have a lot to say about this idea....(so to speak....of broken love.
But I will not state my opinions as much as I want to.

However, there's this one flaw:

Achieving the "unutterable--" -Wait.....fulfillment?
Is there any fulfillment in broken love?

My opinion: sometimes.
Because if you continue to hope, grow, and have faith....sometimes you can find that thing called perfected love, which you may have only come to terms with if you had found broken love....

Does that make sense?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Do You Like My Bugs Eye View Pics?

I am in photography class and had the onus to upload my three edited bug's eye view pictures.

Thank you Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 for making this possible.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blogger's Challenge Day 24

"Today You are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." ~Dr. Seuss

Man. I absolutely love this!
It gives me confidence. Kind of like "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
These kinds of quotes and verses, make me believe in myself. Like who I am today, what I believe...it's all just meant to be. 
I'm the kid the preppies hate for no apparent reason....other than maybe it's because I'm always happy. 

Jesus loves me, and has created me to be this person with this soul in this body for a specific reason...and I finally know the truth in the verse above. I'm happy. I know part of who I am....on my way to self-actualization....and....I guess being able to comprehend such a fragment...enthuses me.

day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
day 3- a picture of you as a child
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been

day 6- favourite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days 
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12- write a poem to someone you love
day 13- your 5 favourite books and why
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- a picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20- write a letter to someone
day 21-a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave a lot
day 24- post your favourite quote or verse of scripture and why
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- list 10 things that you are thankful for
day 27- my day job verses my passion
day 28- cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of

day 29 - favourite tv shows and why you like them
day 30 - movies you can watch again and again.

31 Status: Check It.

  • Life of a 31 Status - As I sit here contemplating the meaning of life (as a 31 Status), I'm mentally ticking off boxes in my checklist of things to do: Cook, check. Eat, check. ...
    11 years ago