About Me

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Perhaps I'll sail around the world; go on a pilgrimage. I'd like to see what's out there, what I am missing. Maybe ink up, open a tea shop, and publish my music. But a goal's just a wish without plans.

Jazzy Through Some Spectacles

90s advice amazing Anyways arts bands barbara streisand batman be the change beautiful birds books boots Brian Adams Brit At Heart Buh Humbug Calvin and Hobbes Chevy Silverado chores cody pellerin cold cool courage crack cup of joe david crowder band dazzled Diamond Jubilee disney distracted Dr. Seuss dream come true driving E.L.O. Blue Sky enchanted enthusing epic facts fairies faith fall fame fascinating fear Folk Food frank sinatra Freelance Whales French friday futile gangsta genuine Go Hard or Go Home google grad greatness habits happy harassed hard core Harry Potter hatred healthy living history homework honour I Am Second i love you IB junk Indie Rock infections innocence inspiration jerking Jesus is Awesome John Mellencamp jokes joy justice justice challenge Lame laughter Lecrae life magic manafest Maps Martha Stewart masking tape moustache Movies music old school OMW patriotism pep perspectives phenomenon photography piano Plaid Pants playland Pocketful of Money ponder Poofy Hair popcorn proverbs purple Rain raining readers reading records reflections repugnance respect rockin out rockstar run santa secrets Shakespeare sinhalese speeding sri lankan star wars Starbucks steroids stoked stories strengths stumble upon stupid success superhero switchfoot talking tea teaching tears testimony tête-à-tête thankful The White Stripes Them Crooked Vultures thrilled to be translation travel triangle pancakes trouver Tupac use the force Valedictorian values vid Villagers viruses waiting war Winston Churchill writing x-rays Ye Be Warned Yogurt Young Chozen youtube covers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Old Friends, New Goodbyes

If there is one thing that I've learned, it's that people are continually changing and growing. Sometimes these things have to happen regardless of how much we don't want them to.

Another thing I have learned is that when one door is closed, another is always opened. One we never saw before. 

I will miss you and always love the you that I used to know.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Free From It All

Life's a battleground; make sure you're well equipped, fighting on the right side. Are you engaged in living by truth or still enslaved by insecurities obsessed by imperfections? Fighting for truth allows us to live freely, no burdens. Fighting while still enslaved will just kill us harder.

It's easy to say you want to fight on the front lines. There's a certain hype about it. And there should be.

But are you fighting with a ball and chain still attached to your feet?

We are made to be free.

Fighting for freedom.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hopping Away to My First Official Job

I now prepare the way for people to go to pancake heaven, as well as clean up their mess, for a living.

Such insight excites me.

Serving people and seeing them smile, makes me smile. :)

Plus it is aiding me in earning my Starbucks Gold Card... 😉

Movie Reviews

Becoming Jane is by far one of my most favorite movies. I haven't the slightest inclination as to why I find such a sad story to be amiable, but I think that its realistic plot is what does the trick. Then again, if you think about it deeply, there are some things about it that are gravely fantasized...

I don't know.

Then there's "Sense and Sensibility." Tonight as I was watching it, I realized that I was finding it quite enjoyable. That has never happened before. I have always hated it because Willoughby was a stupid selfish flirt who was supposed to be Prince Charming, and Colonel Brandon was the old doting one who ended up with the young wife. Had I been asked about my thoughts on the movie a year ago I would have torn it apart for a failure of a love story....
But tonight... I felt like it has become such a treasure.
I now understand the importance of morals and grounded feelings.
Marianne's passionate expressions and imaginative desires of what love should have been drug her down. I do not think her and Willoughby were in love.... And I find that part of the story was a little more dramatic for reality's sake... But how she found true love in the end... Or at least became more compassionate and sensitive towards genuine emotions of the heart (caring and civility)... Such a sight made my heart feel happy.

It is not something I can easily explain, but know that my feelings towards the movie have changed drastically.

I used to dislike how Marianne's eldest sister was so emotionless and quiet, but viewing it presently, it is far from that. She filled a well within her heart full of secrets that were locked away by good sense and keen morality. She only wanted to keep good reputation and not end up looking like a fool.

When the eldest Miss Dashwood finally let on about her feelings by crying away the burdens she had been forced to carry, I let a tear slip from my eye.

I have fallen in love with the story itself, because for once a romantic movie's immorality as well as good morality, acted upon by the characters, are realistic.

I understand.

Maybe it's due to the fact that somewhere between the first and last time I watched the film, I have grown up. I have tasted a little more of the world. I have smelled some sweet air and some bitter fragrances... And understand more of what I did not comprehend at all before.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Loving God Tonight

My plans keep changing and changing. If you have managed to keep up with it all, my original post-grad plans were for me to go to New Zealand via YWAM. I cancelled that trip in order to meet my great grandparents for the first time.... It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime situations....
So... That happened... And I got back thinking that I would work for a year. More opportunity showed up and I was able to apply to a university program. I got as far as the orientation before I realized it just wasn't what I wanted. I dropped out of the program, thankfully before tuition fees were processed, and am now standing somewhere in this foggy mist.

I can't really see ahead of me. Throughout all these changes, I have gone through quite an emotional journey.

But after flustering for about a day, trying to wrap my head around so many changes, I was reminded by several people close to my heart that God's got a plan. The world wants us to have everything planned out step by step because that is what is physically known to define us. However; we know that it is truly God and God alone who can define individuals. I have to trust that every step is going up to make way for something great and amazing. It's hard not being able to have a straight up answer... But I think it's better knowing that I have this faith to support me no matter what-- that there's a God who isn't going to let me fall.

I opened up my Bible tonight...

Matthew 16:24-28

God's got this. I can't mess with it... I can't change anything for the better. Only He can.

And I know deep down, this year off will turn out swell. I don't know if it will feel like it, but I know that in the grand scheme of things, it's all for my good.

God always has a way of making me feel so peaceful.

For now, I don't have set-in-stone plans. Only that, God-willing, I will see tomorrow and the next couple of years through with work, music, and then university.

Maybe I'll travel somewhere.

Who knows.

Only God. :)


Monday, September 3, 2012

I Just Love Music.

Hello Reader,

I hope you enjoy this video. Emeli Sandé is one of my most favourite artists, and I felt inspired to sing one of her songs.
Thank you for the support. I appreciate any feedback I can get, so rate, comment & subscribe and share if you're up to it. :) <3

Love y'all so much...

Jasmine Hope

Seasons Are Changing

I imagine that this new chapter that is being written in regards to my life will be full of change.

I do not know how I feel about that.

At this point, I am definitely open to it. There's something soothing about being refreshed.

I know that this change will take away from some things I find to be extravagantly comforting, though.

So, I am now praying that at the end of this road, there are sparkling rivers and blue skies, warm sunshine and all of the beautiful colours and scents that come with autumn.

A few years ago, one of my youth pastors spoke about how we all go through seasons. Winter can be full of hardships and difficult times, but spring always makes the ice crack. Seasons keep changing; that's the point.

Autumn has arrived, but I feel as though in my heart a spring has awoken. I am going to miss some things changing seasons deprive us from, but I know that whatever is to come will be stunning.

After all, there is beauty even in the rain.
I feel like David. A psalmist. I have all of these songs and poetry stored up in my soul, awaiting to burst. Songs and poetry of people I love. Songs and poetry of people I no longer understand, or maybe never have.

The psalmists had it going on. They always had the right words.

So much emotion. So much passion.

31 Status: Check It.

  • Life of a 31 Status - As I sit here contemplating the meaning of life (as a 31 Status), I'm mentally ticking off boxes in my checklist of things to do: Cook, check. Eat, check. ...
    11 years ago