About Me

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Perhaps I'll sail around the world; go on a pilgrimage. I'd like to see what's out there, what I am missing. Maybe ink up, open a tea shop, and publish my music. But a goal's just a wish without plans.

Jazzy Through Some Spectacles

90s advice amazing Anyways arts bands barbara streisand batman be the change beautiful birds books boots Brian Adams Brit At Heart Buh Humbug Calvin and Hobbes Chevy Silverado chores cody pellerin cold cool courage crack cup of joe david crowder band dazzled Diamond Jubilee disney distracted Dr. Seuss dream come true driving E.L.O. Blue Sky enchanted enthusing epic facts fairies faith fall fame fascinating fear Folk Food frank sinatra Freelance Whales French friday futile gangsta genuine Go Hard or Go Home google grad greatness habits happy harassed hard core Harry Potter hatred healthy living history homework honour I Am Second i love you IB junk Indie Rock infections innocence inspiration jerking Jesus is Awesome John Mellencamp jokes joy justice justice challenge Lame laughter Lecrae life magic manafest Maps Martha Stewart masking tape moustache Movies music old school OMW patriotism pep perspectives phenomenon photography piano Plaid Pants playland Pocketful of Money ponder Poofy Hair popcorn proverbs purple Rain raining readers reading records reflections repugnance respect rockin out rockstar run santa secrets Shakespeare sinhalese speeding sri lankan star wars Starbucks steroids stoked stories strengths stumble upon stupid success superhero switchfoot talking tea teaching tears testimony tête-à-tête thankful The White Stripes Them Crooked Vultures thrilled to be translation travel triangle pancakes trouver Tupac use the force Valedictorian values vid Villagers viruses waiting war Winston Churchill writing x-rays Ye Be Warned Yogurt Young Chozen youtube covers

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I've been thinking about my dreams, laying them all out.

Fear keeps hitting me, jamming darkness down into my heart.

Lately, I've realized that fear only has as much power as you give it.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Journey Continues.

It's almost as if life's drafted us this map for how perfect we are supposed to be: how aligned and exact all of our decisions, choices, and philanthropies are to be. Our life choices are supposed to define us, but how often to they really define our own success, in comparison to worldly success?

Wrapped up in worry and fear, many of my life choices have been made to please others. Odd enough, most of said choices have caused greater worries and greater fears. Exhaustion builds up just to please a substance of worldly pleasure, a being upon the Earth we don't even understand or comprehend: something we can't see, but is ruled by our own hearts.

The harder we fight for something we don't even understand, the stronger it becomes within our hearts. A fortress that encloses our feelings. It isn't made up of substance, but filled with our own anguish, our own kind of peace, our own kind of pride. The walls are a foundation for hiding our own insecurities.

So, when does it begin? When do we fail to build up walls around our joys, happiness, pure prides and love? When do we forget that it's important to protect what is good? Does innocence hold captive these beauties, and fall to the rocks Earth throws at its baseboards and foundations?

I think that as children we grow up believing everything is pure and right and that there is no such thing as anguish, anxiety, and unforgiveness. Somewhere along the road, we learn that not everything is as perfect as it should be, that we can't fix everything, and that not everyone can fix us when our happiness breaks. We build up walls to prove and to protect ourselves. We see things in black and white....the colour drains.
I have walked this road. I have felt the fear that chills up my back when I least expect it. I have cried. I have wined. I have known the feeling of lost hope.
The walls that guarded my deepest emotions snapped: innocence shattered.
And yet, we must keep moving.

If there is anything I've learned over these past few years, it's that we cannot dwell on the shattered innocence. The glass was beautiful and even mesmerizing, but, it was for a time. It's not going to be the same if we try and glue the pieces back together and redraw them up to protect ourselves. People see through that crap, for it's not whole & not as beautiful as it once was.

I'm on that part of the journey where I see that we build new walls up to protect what we presently know and feel. If something has already wrecked my worldview and is clinging to my passions, I don't want it ripping them apart.. .. . ripping me apart.

We use faith, don't we? We use the perfect idealities of what we believe.... to protect the uncertainties of what we believe.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

There are about a billion and one things I will never tell anyone until I know I can trust them 100%.

I am full of stories, all nonfiction.
I see many stars, all a different kind of beauty.
I think many thoughts, that barely three people ever get to hear.

I am a generous lover.
I am a cautious speaker.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sometimes days suck & you can't move past that.

My day sucked.

But I'm still smiling. I still enjoyed the sunshine.

I still chose to persist in trying to feel an ounce of happiness.

Even when the going gets tough . . . you still keep going.

31 Status: Check It.

  • Life of a 31 Status - As I sit here contemplating the meaning of life (as a 31 Status), I'm mentally ticking off boxes in my checklist of things to do: Cook, check. Eat, check. ...
    11 years ago