I haven't blogged in SO long, AND I haven't even finished the Thirty-Day Blogger's Challenge :O
But, I wanted to post this while the vibe was 'round...and while this writing notion lasts.
What is the topic of choice, you ask?
Osama Bin Laden.
I'm sure all of you have heard about this....I was probably the last person on the face of the Earth...or at least North America...to find out he had been captured and "taken care of."
The purpose of this blogpost is just stating my opinion though......
See, I totally understand the terrible deeds he did regarding 9/11 and such....how so many lives were lost because of his actions.......and that millions of people suffered....but what I don't comprehend is why so many people are celebrating his death.
Like they say...."an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Has it not crossed anyone's mind that just because Osama Bin Laden died, doesn't mean there isn't a back up?! C'mon! There's always someone else to succeed a leader. I don't think that rampaging through the streets of North America is going to prevent any plotting of terrorist activity.
Celebrating any kind of murder just doesn't sit well with me. I don't care how terrible the person is......everyone should have the choice to live. Yes they may be exclusively undeniable crude.....but who's to say they should die for it?
In Theory of Knowledge, we learned about the validity of statements.
So, through all this, I could say Osama Bin Laden is a person. People do bad things. Therefore all people should die.
Personally, I think that this is only going to make matters worse. If terrorists are people who want to die for what they believe, and they believe it is wrong for the Americans to have killed Bin Laden, then don't you think we've got a very serious matter on our hands?
Apparently not only does "an eye for an eye [make] the whole world blind," but "revenge is sweet."
I hope nothing terrible happens.....and I'll pray as hard as I can....but sometimes things seem extremely uncalled for.
It's gonna take more people than just me to pray for our country. Our continent. Our world.